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Belly, part 2: A sense of truth or "Me and my food"

Somatic Workshop 08/24/2019, 10:00 - 16:00

Address:  B. Serpukhovskaya st., 19/37, building 4,

Moscow School of Yoga.

Cost:  4000 RUR up to and including 18/08, then - 5000 RUR.

somatics with Katya Zilberstein

"When We Open Our Mouths, We Open Our Hearts"
— Stephen Levine

In many cultures, the preparation and enjoyment of food hold a sacred significance, and for good reason. Food is energy. Our well-being and quality of life are deeply influenced by the quality of the energy we consume.

Our relationship with food mirrors how we treat ourselves—how we nourish both our bodies and our spirits. Eating is an inherently somatic process, one we rarely reflect upon. It often becomes automatic, accompanied by a harsh emotional backdrop.

We invite you to gently explore and rethink your habits around food and self-care.

At this workshop, in a circle of accepting and open individuals, we will learn to tune into the sensation of hunger and become aware of it within our bodies.

  • Where in your body do you feel hunger?

  • Does your need for food manifest in your stomach?

  • Does your mouth crave food?

  • Is appetite felt on your tongue?

  • Do your hands reach for food?

  • Are your eyes part of the desire to eat?

We will direct our attention inward, focusing on the abdominal area—the center of our life-preserving instincts. Through awareness and relaxation, we’ll explore our relationship with the need for nourishment.

Our main tools for somatic exploration are awareness and kindness. Kindness, in this context, means a genuine intent to approach food not just with the mind but with the heart. It involves harnessing the will (located in the belly, where strength and desire reside) to reshape habits around food and cultivate a healthier relationship with oneself.

Workshop Details

  • When: Saturday, August 24, 2019

  • Time: 10:00 AM–4:00 PM

  • Where: Moscow Yoga School, Ul. Bolshaya Serpukhovskaya, 19/37, Building 4


  • 4,000₽ if paid by August 18

  • 5,000₽ after August 18

Click here to register


  • Katya Zilbershtein – Psychologist (Ph.D.), certified Hanna Somatics educator, and student of the professional Feldenkrais program.

  • Natalia Guseva – Body-movement practitioner specializing in emotional anatomy.


  • +7(903)774-29-50 (Ekaterina)

  • +7(916)605-48-64 (Natalia)


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