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The habit of being afraid

Somatic workshop

09/02/2020, 12:00 - 18:00

Address: Moscow School of Yoga,

B. Serpukhovskaya st., building 19/37, building 4

somatics with Katya Zilberstein

At our meeting we will talk and explore not the traditional knowledge about fear as a basic instinct for the survival of the species, but what happens to us (humans) when the emotion of fear lasts too long! This means that when the immediate threat has disappeared, our body is still tense and the mind is focused on what can go wrong. In this situation, fear does not serve our survival and we fall into a fear trance, we condemn ourselves to the habit of being afraid. The emotion of fear becomes the center of our personality and limits the ability to live a full life. Regularly experienced over many years, the emotion of fear as a habit leads the body to a state of chronic stiffness and, as a result, chronic pain in the body. A clamp appears in the shoulders, the head bends forward, the back slouches, the chest becomes sunken. Instead of a temporary reaction to danger, we develop a permanent protective armor, and the mind is trapped in rigid patterns and beliefs. We turn into "a cluster of tense muscles that protect our existence." And in this habit of fear we lose sensitivity to our body, and the healthy reflex “fight, run, freeze” becomes pathological.
In our somatic workshop we want to give space and freedom to get to know your trance fear without judgment, analysis, trying to change yourself "for the better" or forcibly forcing yourself not to be afraid.
We will learn to acknowledge the emotion of fear, to be compassionate and sensitive to the part of ourselves that is used to being afraid; we will learn to open up to our vulnerability and allow the other person to be with us in the moment of acknowledging our fear.
During the workshop, participants will have theoretical and practical work, individually and in groups:
-somatic lessons on awareness of "protective armor" and retraining of motor patterns of the red light reflex
- "loving kindness" meditation
-game studies on the awareness of "protective armor"
- empathic listening in pairs to acknowledge fears
-self-help techniques in cases when the emotion of fear takes hold and is difficult to cope with

WHEN (Sunday) February 9 from 12:00 to 18:00
WHERE Moscow School of Yoga at 19/37 B. Serpukhovskaya St., building 4
Cost: 4500 RUR up to and including 03.02. Then 6000 RUR.
Registration via the link:

Workshop leaders:
Ekaterina Zilberstein - PhD in psychology, certified teacher of Hannah somatics, student of the professional program in the Feldenkrais method.
Natalia Guseva - sophrologist, body-movement practitioner (area of work: emotional anatomy, psycho-emotional tension, stress prevention)

Contact phone: 89166054864

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